APEX Legends started a new season, the developers shared an impressive list of changes in the game

In the free Royal Battle of Apex Legends from Respawn Entertainment today begins a new season called "Arsenal". Its start will mark a mountain of new content, including an additional hero of ballistics with unique skills, a change in the card and other gameplay innovations. While the game servers are preparing for today’s update, the developers shared the full list of all the changes in the season.

As reported, along with card changes "On the edge of the world", The edits of the balance and other changes will be the most important innovation. An improved rating system will be presented for APEX Legends this season. Now, for playing the rating mode, you will need an account of the 50th level, and the selection of players in it will be carried out taking into account their skills. The developers also changed the familiar wheel with messages for other players from which unused marks disappeared and new.

Another important part "Arsenal" will become the mechanics of the skill of owning weapons. She should stimulate players to learn about the strengths and nature of our entire weapon. The purpose of the mechanics is to deepen the interaction of players in all directions, regardless of the style and regime of the game.

Notes to the APEX Legends patch "Arsenal":

  • L-STAR EMG is a part of the box
  • Re-45 returns to the floor
  • SMG generator is included in the craft
  • Sentinel is a member of craft
  • Eva-8 returns to the floor
  • 30-30 The repeater returns to the floor
  • Improved mining in the storage
  • Improved cargo bots mining
  • The hint of auto-provocation when killing the enemy is removed.
  • Now you can ride a ziplane during an animation of a banner raising.
  • Reduced visual effects of bullet shock in the snow.
  • Correction of errors in weapons
  • Correction of errors when using legends
  • Editing and adjustment of balance

Complete list of changes in the update can be found on the official website of the game. In general, difficulties, developers changed the balance of all popular guns in the game, creating a more honest and uniform meta mode in the main mode of game.